Our collective home is in the process of being turned totally upside down which is leading to strife for almost all life on Earth. 

We know it’s preventable. And we know it’s not going to save itself.

So, it is up to us to solve it. But what levers can we pull? Reducing our carbon footprint is entirely necessary, but the transition of change is far slower than the time we have remaining. 

We care about our planet and the lovely people on it which is why we are focused on minimising our carbon footprint and investing in becoming a climate positive company to ensure you can still get the products you love without paying the price of the environment.


We have partnered with Ecologi, who are leading the way with innovative carbon offsetting projects around the world. There are enough climate solutions that are out there right now, that if we supported them, it would undo 30 years of carbon damage by avoiding 1,500 billion tonnes of CO2.

For every purchase, we will plant a tree with the aim of growing a forest that will create employment for local families and restore wildlife habitats. Planting trees is one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C and is crucial to preventing ecological collapse. We'll also proactively fund the highest standard climate projects to accelerate our transition to a sustainable future. 

Claudia & Tom

Founders Claudia and Tom